domingo, 23 de junio de 2013

Do you want to know more about Colombia?

I'm going to share with you the new Promotion Strategy to develop the tourism in Colombia. They are in spanish. The Slogan is "Colombia, Realismo Mágico" -Colombia, Magic Realism

This is on the "Eje Cafetero" or coffee triangle. It is on the center of Colombia, on the deparmets of Caldas, Quindío and Risaralda

This is our famous Cartagena de indias or most known also like "Cartagena" on the north coast of Colombia.

This are our most important islands " San Andres" y "Providencia" a real piece of heaven in the earth.

I hope you enjoy these videos. I will upload more videos soon.

domingo, 16 de junio de 2013


Now let me show you about my life and my work.

I had to travel to Bogotá to participate in a Regional tourism meeting. Let me show you how it was.

This is the Neiva´s airport (Neiva is the city when I live). The Drawings on the glass walls are called Petroglifos ( I think is petroglyphs in english) they are symbolic designs engravings on  rocks and you can find them in a lot of places in Huila (Huila is the department, is like and state or province and its capital city is Neiva).

 I arrive to Bogotá and I went to my Hotel before go to "CORFERIAS" that is the name of the place where are make a lot of big events in Bogotá.

This Hotel does not have rooms, It has small apartments, I think is great!.

The beds are a little small but they are fine.

I really liked this bathroom

And I here Working, trying to know the new initiatives for tourism who have the government.

She is Tatyana Orozco, the Tourism Viceminister of Colombia, she made a presentation about the new strategy to merchandising the Colombian tourism abroad. 

Strategy number 10. Innovate the Promotion 

This is the tourism team of the Viceminister.

This speaker gave a conference about "Hitos del Turismo en tu región" thats means 
like "Tourism milestones in your region". The spanish guy talked about if you are going to speak truly about a Tourism place is because place have  a milestone, that means, the picture who come to your mind when you hear about some place, for example the Eiffel tower in paris, or the Redentor Christ in Brasil. So what is that "Hito" in your region? He said.

This is the Commerce and Tourism Minister of Colombia, Sergio Diaz Granados, he was saying "Hi" to us.

On the left side you can see part of the Fair of Flower in Medellin city. that circle  is called "Silletas" and the men who carry them "silleteros" that is whole made it with flowers. On the right side you can see one of the best Colombian ambassadors abroad "Juan Valdez" He is a figure created to promoted the Colombian coffee in the world. You can also see one of the many, many, manyyyy beautiful Colombian women.

Promotional international campaign like tourism destiny.With that finished my first day.

On my second day in Bogotá, I eat a wonderful breakfast in the hotel, I eat a lott.

in Colombia we have 365 kind of fruits, so we enjoy drinking fresh fruits juice all the time.

Good Dining room. 
I really like that green wall, is a ecological trend in Colombia, it is also in your country?

A view Outside my Hotel.
Walking to CORFERIAS.
This is CORFERIAS, my Hotel was like 10 minutes away, really good.

This is me with people who I met during the meeting. Ahh yes, the one with beige blazer, this is me.

That was the final of the Conference of that day.

Returning to my to my hotel to go to the airport.

This is the international airport of Bogotá.

And in that way I finished this travel, I learned a lot, now I have to put in practice what I learn this two days.

lunes, 10 de junio de 2013

Last day in Perú.

On my last day in Perú I decided go to the "Templo del sol" Temple of the Sun or Quoricancha Temple.

First, remember take with you your student card, you can get a good discount if you present it when you get in.  
Like usual you can get a guide or you can make the route by yourself. 

The view is really good. 

This little temple keep inside a picture with its original colors.  You can read the explanation about the picture, is in spanish and english.


This is like the modern art section.

Inside of this walls there is a convent, but he door is closet and nobody can get it.

You can see the explanation about gods, weather and the creation of men on this golden plate.

I think I was very lucky because I had the entire museum temple, almost by myself that day.
Many and many of little houses there, all of them with families, all of them with their own stories.
I have to put my camara and run like three times before get the picture jeje, I was exhausted.
When I got out of the museum temple, someone said to me " today is the Santurantikuy fair, you have to see it its only one day, one time at the year" so I went to see it, and I found myself among hundred and hundred of people, shopping, walking and bargain. 

 "How put all of this here?, I was here last night" apparently people worked the whole night to put their wood and plastics shopping.
You can find gifts for all your friends here and all the little things you don't need but you want to buy.

The sun was really strong that day. it was december 24 of 2012.

Poor girl, man! she broke her glass what a shame.
You don´t know what is more funny, the size of the bread or the hat of this ladies.


This exposition was free, so get in!

Regional exposure, live art from cusco to the world
Another Big pesebre.

Peruvian ladies, ummm, jeje thanks, but I keep with the beautiful Colombian girls, no offense. 

This is my favorite picture of the trip besides Machu picchu picture.

Leaving my hostel, really good, really cheap. Thanks foe everything.

Leaving Cusco.

Bye Cusco, and bye Perú, was an incredible experience, I met new people, new places, good food. It was really nice for my first trip alone.
