This is the view when you get off the bus.

I forgot to take a picture of the building jeje so this is one was taken it from the website. sorry.
The Gold museum was created in 1939 by the Republic Bank of Colombia to protect the archaeological heritage of our country. On December of that same year the "Poporo Quimbaya" was the first object of this collection who have more that 70 years.
In 1940, it made the first exhibition in the boardroom of the Bank, in 1947, was assigned a room so it could be seen by special guests and finally, in 1959, the Museum opened to the public in general. The current headquarters, a building itself for the Gold Museum in Bogota, was opened in 1968, was led by the Colombian architect Germán Samper Gnecco. This building won the National Prize of Architecture in 1970. Noted for its marble facade, the modern architecture, which is a white box that floats over the first floor of glass and preserves the heritage of Colombians.
After a decade of work started in 1998 and an investment of $ 20 million, the museum was expanded and renovated in October 2008. The new building was also in charge of Samper Gnecco, which includes participation in near buildings to the museum, as the Avianca Building and the Luis Angel Arango Library, also administered by the Central Bank.
Is hard to believe that gold, that metal for we destroy our environment and the people desperately want it, on the ancients days of the discovery of the Americas was so common and everybody had it.
It is amazing the details who the indigenes worked the metal, how could they do the fingers?
These are object used them to cover the chest. Pure gold like everything here.
More pieces for the chest.
wow!! look the beak.
You can see the shadow of the indigene and the position of the objects found. Can you imagine use that on the head?
This is one of the most amazing thing I ever seen. This is the mask of a Jaguar. if you dont know the jaguar is the most biggest wild cat in america, it is look like a leopard. but bigger.
More masks.
These are objects for chest, ears and nose.
The collection has about 59,479 objects from jewelry, textiles, stone and ceramic of the varied archaeological sites from Colombia.
This kind of masks, the indigenes were using to special celebrities
This is a poporo, but this is not the mots special object of the museum. I will show you later.
The poporo was a ceremonial bowl, a kind of jar to contain something really special.
Look the helmet.
This is a big crown!.
Objects for collars
Do yo want a belt like this?
Beautiful pieces with so many history on them.
This is a kind of horn made it in gold to call people to the distance.
I present to you the POPORO QUIMBAYA the most special piece of the Gold Musem.
It was made it 301 B.C. (before christ).
look at this, without words. Can you imagine people wearing so many gold like this?
The ticket of the museum is very cheap, like 1,5 dollars, or 5 dollars if you want a device to listen the story of the pieces. And there are in different languages.
This is the door to get in where are the most valuable pieces of the museum like the poporo.
When you finish your route you can go to the shop of the museum.
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