I really like New things and experiences, for that reason I decided that this year I will take a time to do one thing I always have wanted to do.. Bungee Jumping!!!
The bad thing was that my friends in Neiva didn't want to do it, but luckily I have friends in different cities, so one friend in the Ibague's city decided to join to me because the place I choose to do my jump in that city...why IBAGUE? I will tell you later.
The city of Ibagué is the capital of the Tolima´s department, and is not so far from Neiva, it's from 3 hours by car. For that reason I decided to take a bus. This is the waiting room of the bus company I chose, the woman here had a really pretty white puppy with her.
This is the Bus terminal in Ibagué, in fact, is my first time, I have traveled many times to Ibagué but with the car of my company jeje.
I met with my friend and we go to have a lunch to this mall, I liked this little pool (sorry I forgot how to call it in english, in spanish is "fuente de agua")
This mall is small but is ok.
I couldn't believe they have a Pirarucú fish here, The Pirarucú is a fish from the amazon river and can reach more than 2 meter long. Also they had other fishes like Tilapia and the black one on the deep is called "cucha", is a prehistory fish without skeleton, they live below the rocks in rivers.
The oranges one are called "Tilapia".
While we ate our lunch my friend left the car on the car wash.
When we finished our lunch, my friend gave me a tour for the city. I said before I have traveled to here many times but always for work, so, I didn´t know the city.
Ibagué have many green areas, and the weather is not so hot like Neiva. Also have many areas for build.
You can see many building projects like in Neiva. On this cities is a great time to buy houses or apartments.
This is the road outside of Ibagué, this city connect all the south of Colombia with the rest of the country.
Even outside of the city, you can see some building projects.
On this road you can go faster but is better enjoy the view.
We are getting in on Ibagué again.
More apartments to sell.
My friend said to me ,We have to go to Homecenter to buy a inflatable pump for your mattress. ahhh? WTF?
We found the pump and we headed to my friend´s neighborhood.
This day was july 20th. This day Colombia celebrated our "declaration of independence", this day was when Colombians, tired of spain´s monarchy, take up arms and started to fight for Colombian independence. On august 7th we celebrated our "independence day", this day was when Colombians defeated the spain army in battle and created our own country. for that reason you can see the Colombian flag on the windows in the houses.
This is a church beside my friend house, but he has never gone. lol.
This neighborhood is nice, where you see the purple flowers, is a playground.
jeje, definitely this is a bachelor fridge lol.
That was my bed. Now the inflatable pump have sense.
After let my stuffs in the house, we went to meeting with some friends to drink some beers near here.
The "island of vicky" was the place when some friends where waiting for us.

After some beers (few ones) we went to eat pizza.

During all the meal, we were thinking, man!! tomorrow we are going to jump since a freaking bridge!!!
We spent a lot of time trying to find a bakery store but was sunday after a holiday and we couldn't find anything!!!
After drink a coffee and eat a bread because we didn't have more time, we start our trip to the "Viaducto del tigre" or tiger bridge, at that time I start to think, why that name?..
Outside of any city of Colombia you can see many little towns all over the road.
This a national road who divided this small town. I think is very dangerous for the inhabitants.
The mains roads in Colombia there are not easy to ride, you have to take some driving experience before you drive here because there are a lot of big trucks and our country is crossed by three major mountains from south to north.
After an one hour and a half we finally found our destiny!!.
You never mentioned how high is this Sh....!!! said my friend.
Mannn what we did!!!!!! look thiss.

When we arrived to the bridge, the team who do the bungee jumping arrived a few minutes later.
The view was awesome!!!
"Aventureros" was the company I chose to do this. It mean adventurous.
Ok, the team start to make me feel secure, How to care the equipment and how to start to organize them made me feel like they know what they doing. or at least I want to believe it. lol.
lol my friend was talking with his girlfriend and said, honey I only going to watch oscar´s jump, I´m not going to do it!! And she said, I know you, you are going to do it, you are more crazy than Oscar I know youuu.
This was another company who arrived. People started to arrive too.
The aventuros team is readyyy!!!!
I don't know why but this guys did't made me feel secure like "aventureros" team
Everything was ready, sooo who came to jump? asked the coordinator of the yellow team. Nobody said a word.... By the way, at this moment my friend knew that this is the higher bridge in Colombia, 130 meter!!!! is the higher place to do Bungee Jumping in my country!!!!! jejej that is Why I Chose this place.
After 45 minutes to do nothing, I said, ok, I didn't come to here for nothing. Let´s gooo!!!
The company gave us a insurance policy. My friend asked me, Oscar if is sure, why we need a insurance policy mann!!
And the jumping started!!!!
I enjoyed the view!!.
Ok this is it!!. Who am I? the one on your right.
Come oscar you can do it, don't you even think about embarrassing yourself. jejeje.
Here was when the man said is your turn!! -No, I'm not readyyyy!!!!
Ok, this is it, come on, you can do it, don't look down... ok don't look down again!! Here we go!! 3....!
One of the best Experiences of my life.!!!!!
In an different angle. The most scary part is this, when you are going to jump and your body want to come back.
I can't describes the feeling, you have to do it by yourself.
Now we know why It have the name of tiger bridge!! look the long fangs. Can you see the people in red? There was the place we jumped.
After waited for two hours that my friend decided to do it because he panicked lol, I convinced them to do it.
After laugh and laugh for all over the way to Ibagué and be so proud of our self its time to go back to Neiva and say good bye to this great episode of my life.
Ready for come back to home.
And with this sweet peanut I finish this trip, I encourage all of you to do it, was so fun and after that you feel that nothing is impossible for you. bye.
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